Lead Pastor
Pastor Jesse Garcia was born on a military base in Puerto Rico but lived in many places because of his father's service in the United States Army. After graduating from high school, Jesse decided to serve his country by joining the United States Marine Corps as a combat photographer. In 2000, while still in the Marine Corps, Jesse married his high school sweetheart, Rachel Mobley. After completing his four year obligation, Jesse decided to pursue a career in the music industry. Jesse and Rachel moved to Orlando, Florida after Rachel completed her Bachelor’s degree from Armstrong Atlantic State University. There, Jesse graduated from Full Sail University with a degree in the recording arts. He spent the next five years working as a freelance audio engineer in one of Orlando’s top recording studios and also worked as Denny Randell’s personal engineer for DRC entertainment. Due to a family emergency, Jesse left the music industry in order to help his father start walking again after losing his legs from a massive heart attack. Jesse and Rachel spent the next two years helping his family and discovering the call God had placed on their lives.
In 2006, Jesse and Rachel were blessed with their first son, Jesse Manuel, aka Manny. In 2007, God opened their eyes to the call He had placed on their lives and they spent the next three years serving and studying the Word and serving at the Sanctuary of Savannah under the mentorship of Pastor Creg Darby and leadership of Pastors Larry and Todd McDaniel. In 2009, they were ordained and began an awesome journey into full-time ministry as pastors of student ministries. Shortly after being ordained, they were blessed with their second son, Josiah Rey in November of 2010..
After six years of pastoring and enjoying life as the parents of two boys, God’s mandate to be fruitful and multiply became a reality they found out that they were expecting another child. In June of 2015, they were blessed with the most beautiful girl in the world, Josie Grace. She has made their lives seem that much more awesome and complete.
In January 2016, Jesse and Rachel moved to Melbourne, Florida to follow a long-time calling that God had placed on their lives to be church planters. Grace United is now their church home, it is their place of worship, and it is their place to be united with the body of believers.